Agriculturist’s Kids thinking on agriculture
by Najifah & Iffat Iqbal
Ever since the time we took the first steps we have seen the world through an agricultural lens. Being born to a family of multiple Agriculturists, we have been exposed to this field vigorously. But what does Agriculture mean to us?
Whether it be in the past, present, or future, agriculture has been and will continue to be an essential key to humanity. Without agriculture, the nature you enjoy, the food you eat and you yourself would cease to exist. They say that the building blocks of life are proteins and the amino acids within. However, where do these proteins come from? The meat on your plate is a product of this field of study in many ways is crucial for your survival. But that’s the present. What about the past and future?
Agriculture was initially the building block of the society we have today for it stemmed from the first culture, hence the name. Unlike other organisms, culture is the primary survival strategy for human beings. It shapes our personality, behavior, and function within society. Agriculture was thus, an essential part of our past that is the very root of the society we have today. Now the future. Agriculture is one of the most promising fields when it comes to our future because it provides a sustainable, natural, and innovative approach. With climate change and the over-extraction of natural resources, it is easy to claim that the future will be bleak. Agriculture provides a solution whether it be through innovative biotechnology or sustainable methods of development. This will ensure a future in which our beloved mother Earth is taken care of and we are free to live our lives with our necessities being in check. It is due to Agriculture’s prevalence in our lives and that of society that we encouraged our father and he already started farming in Canada on 805.09 acres of farmland and practiced innovative, integrated farming. This will allow us to support this amazing field that has been and will continue to be the root of humanity.